Awareness of Natural Gas Explosions

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Awareness of Natural Gas Explosions

We at the Beattie Law Firm want to remind you of safety measures to take against natural gas explosions.

A natural gas explosion in Corpus Christi, Texas, blazed through a neighborhood last week, completely destroying three homes and damaging about 70 others.

A natural gas leak is said to be the cause of the explosion. The amount of gas needed to cause such an explosion is so large; neighbors should have been able to smell it. The explosion is still under investigation.

Keep your family and home safe by preventing a natural gas leak.

· Have all gas appliances, furnaces and chimneys inspected every year.

· Keep areas around your furnace and water heater clean.

· Check air filters in your heating system monthly and replace them often.

· Keep a fire extinguisher in your home.

· Purchase a natural gas detector to put in your home. Many natural gas detectors are alsocarbon monoxide detectors.

Natural gas will have a very distinctive smell of rotten eggs. Other signs may include blowing dirt, bubbles rising in a puddle or hearing a hissing sound.

If you notice any of these signs, LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY. Call your natural gas provider or 911.

We at the Beattie Law Firm are experts in handling gas explosion cases. If you or someone you know is a victim of a natural gas explosion, contact us today.

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