Iowa’s Only GR8 Professional Law Firm:

Hicks vs DC Masonry, Inc., et al. (Nebraska 2010)
Facts: Wrongful death action stemming from an on the job electrocution. The case was based on the negligence of varies parties.
Settlement: This case was settled in excess of $1 million paid among the various parties.
Conard vs Ameren Services Company (Illinois 2009)
Facts: A 5-year-old boy contacted a high-powered downed electrical line resulting in traumatic amputation of his right arm. The power company had been notified 3 days prior to the electrocution that the line was down and neglected to deenergize the line.
Settlement: This case was settled in excess of $ 5 million.
Trenton v. Defendant (Iowa 2004)
Facts: A young boy had been burned by an electrical shock in approximately 1995. The claim was predicated on the fact that the power company in making installation of the power line stretched and pulled the electrical lines at the house, causing a short, which in turn caused an electrical fire in the garage.
Settlement: The Beattie Law Firm obtained a settlement for the boy of $1,500,000.
Bingham, et. al. v. Defendants (Iowa 2000)
Facts: Our client, a Channel 5 newscaster, raised an antenna on a TV van into a power line resulting in severe electrical burns to him and a co-worker. The claim was filed against the maker of the van for failing to have a proximity warning device on the antenna to warn of the power lines, as well as failure to insulate the van to prevent electrocution.
Settlement: This case was settled in excess of $2 million paid among the various parties.
Jahner v. Defendants (Iowa 1994)
Facts: Mr. Jahner, who was a lineman, received serious burns when he made contact with a live powerline. The electric cooperative that hired Mr. Jahner's employer to perform line work refused to de-energize lines and forced a deadline upon Mr. Jahner to have the work completed.
Settlement: During opening statements at trial, the case settled for over $500,000+.