Farming Observations

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Farming Observations

Given where we are in the season, it is worth remembering some of the dangers inherent in farming observations. These past seasons have led to many tragedies, including:

1. Amputations. Any moving part can cause an amputation. Augers, conveyers and similar equipement, particularly if exposed are often a culprit. We have counseled numerous victims in recent years.

2. Anhydrous ammonia exposure. Double nurse tanks provide a much greater risk because the safety valves do not properly function. This risk is not known to a large part of the farming community.

3. Explosions. Methane in pig pens, propane used in grain drying and similar activities, dust explosions at grain elevators. Just a couple of days ago, a serious explosion rocked a CHS, Inc. grain elevator in southwestern Minnesota, injuring two employees of the elevator. Although no outside farmers were injured in this explosion, that is always a risk.

4. Carbon monoxide poisoning. A not infrequent culprit in farming operations is an inadequately vented heater. Please be sure to have all your equipment regularly inspected by a qualified professional and get and keep documentation of the inspection.

Please be careful and vigilent and safe this season! Should you wish any information from us concerning these hazards and how to avoid them, do not hesitate to give us a call. If we cannot answer your question, we will find someone who can.

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