High Winds Across State to Impact Driving

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High Winds Across State to Impact Driving

Iowa is experiencing very high winds across the state, with wind gusts up to 50 mph. As a result of the high winds, numerous cases of semis blowing off the road have been reported. Fortunately, no deaths have occurred yet, but these dangerously high winds can cause accidents and be life threatening, similar to an accident previously reported on. The impact of semis is quite frightful due to the size and capacity of their load; and as always, we at the Beattie Law Firm want to remind you to practice defensive driving.


The high winds can cause vehicles to flip off the road, vehicles to slide off the road, damage to vehicle due to flying debris, or cause for visibility to decrease with snow and debris on the ground flying into the windshield of the vehicle.


During high winds, it is hazardous to drive due to the visibility and likelihood of dangerous situations arising by the impacts of the wind.  Nonetheless, Des Moines and the surrounding area anticipates having flurries by the evening commute, which will impact driving visibility significantly.


If you must drive, please remember the helpful tidbits provided earlier about defensive driving. Always allow extra time when driving, especially when there are high winds and flurries in the forecast.


If you have been injured by an accident caused by high winds, please reach out to Beattie Law Firm.

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