If You Become Injured, Don’t Wait to Seek Advice

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If You Become Injured, Don’t Wait to Seek Advice

Much like seeking medical treatment, if you wait too long, it may make your case more difficult. Here’s why you should consider speaking with, should you become injured.

Statutes of limitations and government tort claim deadlines.
The statutes of limitations vary depending on the nature of your case; however, it is typically two years from the time injury occurs. If you don’t act quick, you may miss the deadline to file a claim and be compensated for injuries sustained.

Evidence may be lost or destroyed.
We will help you preserve any and all evidence that may help your personal injury case – this takes the burden off you to increase your odds of recovery. Should you wait, it may be harder to document all your evidence including: witness statements, physical evidence and proof of injuries.

You (or witnesses) may forget events of the accident.
The longer you wait, the harder it may be to remember all accounts of what happened. Memory can fade and be altered with time, so it is important to reach out so we can document every detail. We also have the experience to know which details will help your case. Recording this early on is essential.

Receive a quick settlement.
We at the Beattie Law Firm are 100% on your side. Getting your case settled, and being financially compensated for it, can put you at ease. We negotiate quick and fair settlements on your behalf, giving you the time you need to heal.

Becoming injured can be physically and mentally exhausting for you, making it difficult. We give you peace of mind knowing your case will be handled. Because we understand the difficulty injuries may bring, most of our personal injury cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, giving you the added peace of mind. We are not paid attorney fees unless you recover compensation.

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