Iowa Workers Compensation – Good News – Mileage Rate Increases

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Iowa Workers Compensation – Good News – Mileage Rate Increases

Starting on July 1, 2011, under the Iowa Workers Compensation Commissioner’s rules, the mileage rate payable to injured workers has increased to now 55.5 cents a mile.  Make sure you are being paid correctly.  I see carriers overlook the mileage reimbursement rate far too often.

Mileage changes every July 1 and lasts the entire year.  The updated mileage is reflected in the updates and news section of the Iowa Workers Compensation Commissioner’s website.

A few cents can make a big difference if you live more than a few miles from the physician’s office.  I often times hear a new client who has been injured on the job express surprise that mileage is owed as often times the adjuster had not informed him/her of it.

Mileage is owed for the round trip to the doctor, or therapist, or imaging, etc.  If you do not have a lawyer, you submit the mileage directly to the insurance carrier notifying them of the date of the mileage, the name of the provider, and the total round trip mileage.  Submitting in writting is the best.  Most adjusters have email and is the method I like normally like to use.

Another issue related to mileage is transportation.  I have clients who do not have a car, or have sustained an injury that prevents driving.  If you cannot obtain transporation to the doctor, the insurance carrier has to provide you with it.  Obviously, insurance carriers like to avoid this because it is far more costly for them to hire transportation than it is to pay you mileage.  However, for some people, there is just no way around it.  If you cannot find transportation to the doctor, inform the adjuster and request that they provide you with transportation.

If you have questions regarding mileage feel free to contact me.

– Ryan Beattie

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