Know Symptoms of Dry Drowning

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Know Symptoms of Dry Drowning

With the hot days of summer finally upon us, water precautions are very important for all parents and caretakers. One of the more unfamiliar swimming-related deaths is dry drowning.

Dry drowning is a terrible accident that occurs after a near-drowning experience. The victim swallows small amounts of water during the incident, but appears to be fine. However, an hour to 24 hours after the accident, the victim drowns. The water that was swallowed gets into the victim’s lungs and eventually deprives the brain and other vital organs of oxygen.

We at the Beattie Law Firm are concerned about your well-being and want you to be aware of the major signs of dry drowning. They include:

· Extreme fatigue

· Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath

· Chest pains

· Persistent cough

· Change in skin color

· Changes in behavior such as mental confusion and decreased alertness.

After a near-drowning incident, keep a close watch on the victim. If he or she starts to have symptoms, call a doctor or go to the emergency room. When caught quickly, victims can be treated by supplying oxygen to the lungs.

The most common victims of dry drowning are inexperienced swimmers or people with lung problems such as asthma. Dry drowning can also occur in a bath for young children. To prevent dry drowning, parents and caregivers should keep a close eye on their inexperienced swimmers.

We at the Beattie Law Firm are always here for you.

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