Feb. 2003 – Murder Suspect Sells His Land Across Iowa

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KCCI Channel News Online. KCCI Staff Writer. February 12, 2003.

Rodney Heemstra Accused Of Tommy Lyon's Murder

DES MOINES, Iowa -- The Warren County attorney confirms that he may ask a judge to review the bond of a farmer charged with murder. The man is currently out on bond.

Rodney Heemstra, of rural Milo, is charged with murdering another rural Milo farmer, Tommy Lyon. Investigators believe the two were fighting over a land dispute.

Tuesday, KCCI NewsChannel 8 uncovered a paper trail of hundreds of acres of farmland recently transferred out of Heemstra's name in Hancock and Wright counties in northern Iowa.

A lawyer suing Heemstra in a wrongful death suit thinks Heemstra is trying to dump assets to minimize what he might have to pay out if he loses the court case.Monday, NewsChannel 8 found out about land ownership transfers in Warren County as well as a large auction planned at the Heemstra family farm.

Heemstra's lawyer claimed his client is simply trying to take care of agriculture creditors.