Tips For Natural and Propane Gas Users For Coming Heating Season

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Tips For Natural and Propane Gas Users For Coming Heating Season

There are certain tips for natural and propane gas users for the coming heating season as we head into fall. Tip number one is the recommendation to have your entire natural or propane gas systems checked out by a qualified servicemen or by your gas provider before you place the system into operation. A qualified servicemen will check not only each and every gas appliance but the entire gas system including lines and gas valves. It is likely that you had your heating system turned off during the summer months. When a part of a gas system sets idle for any length of time it is an opportunity for a part to fail which would be discovered during a qualified inspection.

Tip number 2 is to replace the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors and propane or natural gas detectors. Tip number 3: If you have not installed carbon monoxide detectors or gas detectors in your home do so now. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas which can only be detected by a carbon monoxide detector. If carbon monoxide is detected the detector will sound an alarm. Install according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Gas detectors likewise will sound an alarm if it detects gas. Both natural and propane gas suppliers tout odor as an effective warning of gas leaks. It is without dispute however that an odor only warning system is grossly defective and most of the time is incapable of giving an effective warning concerning gas leaks. As an example if a gas leak occurs at night the odor will not warn or awaken a sleeping person. If the gas leak occurs in an area of the home remote from a person the odor is totally incapable of serving as any type of warning. Again install gas detectors according to manufacturer’s instructions.

We at the Beattie Law Firm have represented many victims of natural propane gas explosions and victims of carbon monoxide exposure. As one of our safety expert’s has said: One explosion resulting in injury or death is too many if preventable. Therefore please follow our tips for natural and propane gas users for the coming heating season

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