University of Iowa Burn Treatment Center

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University of Iowa Burn Treatment Center

The University of Iowa Burn Treatment Center and St. Florian Fire and Burn Foundation held their “Burn Survivors Together” event on Saturday, April 2 in Iowa City, Iowa. The event brings families, who have survived tragedies, together so they can continue to heal. It also teaches prevention and what goes into fighting a fire.

Severe burn injuries frequently result in more than just physical pain to the victim, but also cause severe emotional damage to both the victim and his or her family, as well as long-term medical care and financial burdens.

In 2003, Nathan Nissen and Bob Ryan were involved in an anhydrous ammonia accident that caused severe burns. Bob’s action saved Nathan’s life.  Unfortunately, Bob later died due to his injuries.  Nathan battled second- and third-degree burns over 65 percent of his body; burns to his mouth, throat and lungs.  He continues to battle the physical effects of his accident.

Like many burn survivors, Nathan’s future was uncertain following the accident as he fought after effects, including lung infections and sensitive skin.  Despite everything that he has had to deal with after his burn injuries, Nathan and his family have devoted numerous hours to helping other burn victims here in the Midwest.

We are proud to call Nathan and his family clients of ours.  But more importantly, we are proud to call them friends.  You can read more on the Burn Survivors Together event:

Bev Gartner and her extended family faced a similar fate years prior when a propane explosion killed seven people and severely burned others in their family.  Since the incident, Bev and her family members have also devoted countless hours helping other families deal with the horrors associated with these terrible tragedies.  We are always thankful for the work that Bev and others do to help others in similar situations.  Just like with Nathan and his family, we are proud to call Bev and her family clients, but more importantly, they all remain our friends.

You can read more about the good they are doing here:

Our extensive burn injury practice, here at The Beattie Law Firm, has allowed us to see many great things that the University of Iowa Burn Treatment Center have done for our clients, like Nathan and Bev.  We are forever thankful for the hard work and dedication of those who have dedicated their lives to helping others survive after such tragic events.


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