Workers Compensation Insurer Can Only Send You for Examination to a Medical Doctor

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Workers Compensation Insurer Can Only Send You for Examination to a Medical Doctor

While a worker’s compensation insurer has the right to select medical care, the insurance company is limited to sending an injured worker for examination to a medical doctor. It is well known that one of the biggest advantage that insurance companies have is the right to select medical care and treatment. However for purposes of an examination, the insurance company cannot send you to a non-medical doctor for examination. This issue frequently arises in issues involving an injured worker’s mental status. It is well known that there are certain psychologists that insurance companies use who routinely give opinions detrimental to an injured worker.

If you are an injured worker and have questions concerning whether the Worker’s Compensation insurance company is correct in its attempt to send you to see various persons or organizations concerning your injuries, you should contact an attorney. We, at the Beattie Law Firm, are here to help you with any issues that you have concerning your rights under the Worker’s Compensation laws.

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