Workers Compensation-Out-Of-State Workers (Truckers)-Right To Seek Medical Treatment In Home State

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Workers Compensation-Out-Of-State Workers (Truckers)-Right To Seek Medical Treatment In Home State

Worker’s Compensation laws allow out-of-state workers (truckers) the right to be treated in their home state, if injured in the course of employment. This issue has arisen often. The most common situation involves truckers who live out-of-state and drive for trucking companies who have their principal place of business in Iowa. If the worker/trucker is injured that worker has a right to be treated by a doctor in the injured worker’s home state. Many times the employer/trucking company will demand that the injured worker/trucker return to Iowa for treatment by an Iowa doctor of the employer’s choosing. Frequently there is a veiled threat that if the injured worker does not submit to this demand, the injured worker will not receive weekly benefit checks as required by Iowa law.

The injured worker/trucker is fully within his/her rights to demand treatment in their home state, close to where the residence is. Consequently if the employer does in fact threaten to cut off or terminate benefits, the injured worker can sue under the Worker’s Compensation Commission for said benefit checks. Furthermore, an employer who does act in this fashion is subject to bad faith for which the injured worker can sue for additional benefits.

We, at the Beattie Law Firm, are committed to helping injured workers and enforcing the rights of injured workers. If a situation arises we are there to help you. Therefore, if you are an out-of-state injured worker, Worker’s Compensation laws allow you the right to be treated close to your home and we, at the Beattie Law Firm, will help you enforce your rights.

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