Des Moines Hotel Evacuated Overnight due to a possible gas leak

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Des Moines Hotel Evacuated Overnight due to a possible gas leak

More than 400 guests were evacuated from a Downtown Des Moines hotel Thursday evening after several staff and guests reported a natural gas odor.

Natural gas itself does not have an odor; however, gas companies are to routinely add an odorant so that people can detect any leak as precaution.

As we head into the cooler months, this is a reminder to be aware and to take steps to prevent a natural gas leak in your home or business. Here’s what you can do:

  • Have all gas appliances, furnaces and chimneys inspected every year.
  • Keep areas around your furnace and water heater clean.
  • Check air filters in your heating system monthly and replace them often.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher in your home.
  • Purchase a natural gas detector to put in your home. Many natural gas detectors are also carbon monoxidedetectors.

You cannot rely upon smell alone to be warned of dangerous leaks of natural gas. You must purchase a gas detector to warn you of dangerous gas leaks.

If you notice any of these signs, LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY. Call your natural gas provider or 911.

We at the Beattie Law Firm are experts in handling gas explosion cases. If you or someone you know is a victim of a natural gas accident, contact us today.

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