Electrical Explosion in Sibley, Iowa

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Electrical Explosion in Sibley, Iowa

Last weekend, at Timewell Tile plant in Sibley, Iowa, workers were switching power lines to a new transformer when an electrical explosion occurred. Five men were injured and sent to local hospitals with burns. Two of the men worked at the plant, while the others were employed by Current Electric. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation.

We at the Beattie Law Firm want to remind you to take these precautions when dealing with electrical work or natural gas at home:

Leave any electrical work to professionals. Call your electrician to take care of wiring or installation. Do NOT attempt to do it yourself.

Call before you dig. Many natural gas pipelines and other lines are buried around homes. Always call your providers before digging.

We at the Beattie Law Firm are experienced in represented victims of gas explosions and Worker’s Compensation. If you or someone you know is a victim of an electrical or gas explosion, while at work or at home, contact us today.

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