ESPN Anchor Brings Awareness to Potential Dangers in Gas Grills

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ESPN Anchor Brings Awareness to Potential Dangers in Gas Grills

It may not be grilling season in Iowa, but a recent accident involving ESPN’s Hannah Storm brings light to a common household product.

In mid-December Hannah Storm was preparing dinner at her home when she noticed the flame on her grill had gone out. When she reignited the gas, it had caused an explosion, which resulted in first- and second-degree burns to her hand, chest and face. We at Beattie Law Firm urge everyone to pay attention to this particular accident and learn about the potential dangers their grill poses to them.

Review these grilling facts from the National Fire Protection Association:

  • Between 2006-2010 gas grills were involved in an average of 7,100 home fires per year.
  • A leak or break was the leading factor contributing to gas grill fires.
  • Almost one-third of gas grill injuries incurred while lighting the grill.
  • Five of every six grills involved in home fires were fueled by gas (83%).

Follow these tips from the Beattie Law Firm to prevent grill fires:

  • Never store your grill in a garage or enclosed area especially if the propane cylinder is attached
  • Whenever you open the lid of the grill, do so carefully and without any matches, lighters or other fires, which could ignite any escaped propane
  • Please attempt to smell for gas prior to opening the gas grill. Please keep in mind that you may not be able to detect the smell a propane
  • After using your gas grill always make sure you turn off the propane cylinder. Do not rely upon turning off the burners of your gas grill as they may allow propane to escape.
  • Never store a propane cylinder inside a garage or other enclosed area.

You should not only take precaution with your grill, but also gas-run systems throughout your home. We have represented many victims of natural and propane gas explosions, and we urge you to review our blog post from August 2012 for more helpful tips on how to stay safe.

Remember these facts if you plan to use your grill during the football playoffs and as we approach warmer weather in the coming months.

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