Typically automobile insurance policies provide property damage insurance coverage for items other than damage to the vehicle itself. This is a little known fact among owners of such policies and unfortunately most insurance companies do not mention such coverage to the policyholder when property damage occurs. The typical situation is that the owner of an automobile purchases insurance coverage from an insurance company. The insured will request liability coverage in some amount. The insured will then have the opportunity to decide whether to purchase what is known as property damage coverage or not. Most insureds will elect to purchase property damage insurance coverage.
When property damage occurs the insured, pursuant to the policy, is entitled to have his or her car repaired. If there is other property damaged the insured is entitled to payment for that also. This could be such items as sunglasses, cameras, cellphones, stereo equipment and the like. Whatever is in the car and is damaged.
Thus when property damage occurs the insured should make sure to submit payments for damage to items in addition to the vehicle the vehicle itself.